Diwali 2020 – Crackers chocolate

Diwali 2020 – Crackers chocolate SASHA HOMEMADE FOODS
Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, usually lasting five days and celebrated during the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika. One of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, Diwali symbolizes the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance”
Sasha Home made Foods is based in Salem. We aim at providing hygienic, nutritious and preservative free foods. Our products include Chocolates, Cookies and Premixes . We offer our services for corporate functions, birthday parties, weddings ,etc.. We also customize our product and deliver to desired destinations.
Chocolates: We provide around 100 variants of chocolates from Plain, printed , hard centered, soft centered, sticky centered, liquid centered, dips, Ferrero , sugar free, healthy bars and many more .
We supply specially designed thematic chocolates like Diwali cracker chocolates, Valentine chocolates, Christmas chocolates , New year choco kit, etc… The chocolates are available in different gift boxes sizes varying from small to Jumbo box.
Cookies: Our homemade cookies are freshly baked as per your choice. We prepare butter cookies, custard cookies, almond cookies, cashew cookies, coconut cookies, Red velvet Cookies, jam cookies, chocolate cookies, cinnamon cookies, wheat cookies, oats cookies, etc..
Premixes: Our premixes include both Milkshakes and Cake premix. Our specialised Milkshakes are Butterscotch, chocolate, Rose milk , Ras malai and Masala Milk. Our Cake premixes Variants are Brownie mix, Red velvet mix, Vanilla Mix, Ras Malai Mix, Pine apple and many more.
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